Friday, October 4, 2013

Geo Show-N-Tell: Minnesota State Capitol

In honor of the geo-modeling community, which is now retired, I will do a series of geo "Show and Tell" posts, featuring models that never made it to the 3D pipeline, but were in the works. I have a lot of those.

PLEASE submit your handsomest images of geo-models to share with the rest of us. Post processing is OK, and if it's  a published Google Earth model let me know so I can note that too. Maybe your model will appear on SketchUp Island.

Seen above is my incomplete model of the Minnesota State Capitol building, which was never submitted to Google Earth for various reasons: I began geo-modeling professionally, and a nice version of the building was published anyway. Also my model was quite heavy with geometry, and some bugs in the file kept me from progressing smoothly. Still, I think it's a pretty sweet geo-model that would have worked, with some work!