Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Days Are Here Again (In Peru, In A Month)

Hola, Perú and hello Peruvian Islanders--

I was wandering around the shores of SketchUp Island this evening, minding my own business, when I spotted a seashell. Of course, I put my ear up to the seashell to hear what the ocean had to say. But instead of the ocean, I was surprised to hear a transmission from a secret agent from within the bowels of Wonka Land (code name for Google Office in Boulder).

Secret Agent B.P. (aka Cyclist One) at Google has informed me that the imagery update in Peru was in fact in error. Therefore, in about one month the area will be corrected (with the next update). So, hold on to your buildings and don't move anything, or you'll have to move them all back again!!

Sing along with me now... Happy Days Are Here Again...