SittingDuck writes:
Sending this in reaction to your post about your very first model:
Being someone with very little patience I often finish off a model as quickly as possible, and as a result it always has one or two flaws left unaddressed. This leads me to making 2-3 iterations of any given model. I don't do that as much these days, but I sure did way back when. Observe the evolution of my first model in the first attached image. Unfortunately I don't have the very first version anymore, which, like your florist's shop, had no textures.
I have many more of these before/after cases if you are interested to see them, just say.
Good work on the blog, it has already become my favorite (no joke) to follow.
Thanks, SittingDuck! And yours are some of my very favorite SketchUp models. I'd love to see more of your before/after renderings and I'm sure others would too. Wouldn't they???